
What is Moringa "Malunggay"?
Moringa oleifera, a plant of the family Moringaceae. It is a fast growing plant and can live up to 20 years. The plant does best where temperature ranges from 25 to degrees C (77 to 104 degrees F). Moringa is common all over the tropics. Moringa has numerous substances such as vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, fats, minerals, specific phytochemicals (plant-derived), each with specific importance and numerous applications in healing and nutrition. Moringa contains more vitamin C than oranges, three times the iron of spinach, and four times the calcium found in milk. Combine this with significant amounts of proteins and oils, a great taste, and the presence of beneficial antioxidants  substances and you will come to understand why they called this plant the “Miracle Tree”.

Moringa Plant as a food supplement
Moringa is being used around the world by many cultures for a variety of needs.

Some of the vitamins (specifically, vitamins A, C, E) are also potent antioxidants. Vitamins may be considered nutrients. Moringa is a powerful vitamin factory; some of those present in the various plant include vitamin C, beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A), vitamin E, and many of the B complex group of vitamins.

Natural hormones, enzymes minerals and various phytochemicals
Niaziminin, another Moringa phytochemical, was shown to have beneficial properties. Obtained from fresh leaves of Moringa are niazinin, niazimicin and niaziminin A and B, these compounds belong to the family of mustard oil glycosides (very rare in nature).

One of the most exciting phytochemicals found in Moringa is beta-sitosterol.  A diet rich in plants such as Moringa can significantly improve human health.
Moringa the Nutritive Plant

What could Moringa bring to the Westerners’ table?
Concentrated vitamins, minerals, all necessary protein constituents, beneficial fats, anti-oxidants, substances, all in a readily absorbable form and easy to digest is equal to an energy food. Very little in sugar and salt.

What nutritional daily value can Moringa give?
According to Optima of Africa, Ltd., a group that has been working with this tree, says that for every 25 grams (less than an ounce) daily of Moringa leaf powder will give a child the following daily allowances: protein 42%, calcium 125%, magnesium 60%, potassium 41%, iron 71%, vitamin A 272%, vitamin C 22%. The same benefits apply to adults and senior citizens, but only the percentages change. Obviously, Moringa is beneficial for people of all ages.

Western world suffer from serious nutritive deficiencies
This stem from poor eating habits (junk food, overcooking, mixing foods in an inappropriate way, insufficient consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables, and seeds, foods lacking valuable nutrients due to over processing of foods.

Many people, unknowingly, have poor gastro-intestinal absorption of nutrients, which usually increases in seriousness with age. Many others lack the time to learn about healthy nutrition, while some are not educated enough to understand its importance. Still others simply don’t care, and stick with their junk food. Multivitamins seem to be an easy and handy solution. However, many synthetic brands offer pills and products that cannot be truly dissolved and absorbed efficiently by the body.

Generally, vitamins and most nutrients are best absorbed and used by the body when they come from natural sources (plants, animals) and are present in naturally occurring, complex combinations. We are designed to best absorb vitamins from nature’s complex foods.

Moringa can become a unique “super food” in our arsenal
Moringa is unique because, even in small amounts, it can supply daily a wide gamut of vital nutrients with few calories. It would take really large amounts and many types of foods and calories to bring all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and  substances we should eat every day. Why not take a concentrated super food like Moringa. This means taking less pills while having more! Spending less and getting more!

Amino Acids in Moringa
Plants are an important source of proteins, but most plants actually supply the units making up the proteins – the amino acids. Proteins are digested by the gastro-intestinal system and then cut into smaller, simpler units (amino acids) that can be absorbed through the walls of the intestines and used by the body. Since proteins and other nitrogen-containing substances are continuously depleted and rebuilt, they must be replaced by a continuous supply of amino acids from the diet.

There are 20 amino acids present in the human body’s structures. Of those, 9 are known to be ESSENTIAL; they have to be supplied by the diet since the human body cannot synthesize them, as it does with the other 11 amino acids. Few foods, like Moringa, are known to contain all 9 essential amino acids. The 9 essential amino acids are: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. Moringa’s essential amino acids presence and digestibility scores are more than adequate when measured against the standards of World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and United Nations Organization (UNO) for small children, the most at-risk population group when it comes to proteins in food.

Amino Acids are the building blocks in our bodies
Our bodies need twenty different amino acids (also know as proteins) that act as building blocks to maintain a health body. Nonessential amino acids are those that the body can synthesize for itself, provided there is enough nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen available. Essential amino acids are those supplied by the diet , since the human body either cannot make them at all or cannot make them in sufficient quantity to meet its needs. Under normal conditions, eleven of the amino acids are nonessential and nine are essential.

ISOLEUCINE builds proteins and enzymes and it provides ingredients used to create other essential biochemical components in your body, some of which promote energy and stimulate the brain to keep you alert.  

LEUCINE works with isoleucine to build proteins and enzymes which enhance your body's energy and alertness.  

LYSINE insures your body absorbs the right amount of calcium. It also helps form collagen used in your bone cartilage and connective tissues. And lysine aids in the production of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. Recent studies have shown lysine improves the balance of nutrients that reduce viral growth.  

METHIONINE primarily supplies sulfur to your body. It is known to prevent hair, skin, and nail problems while lowering cholesterol levels as it increases your liver's production of lecithin. Methionine reduces liver fat and protects the kidneys, which reduces bladder irritation. 

PHENYLALAINE produces the chemical needed to transmit signals between your nerve cells and your brain. It can help keep you alert, reduce your hunger pains, plus improve your memory and your mood.  

THREONINE is an important part of collagen, elastin, and enamel proteins. Not only does it assist metabolism, threonine helps prevent fat build-up in the liver while boosting your body's digestive and intestinal tracts.  

TRYPTOPHAN supports your immune system, alleviates insomnia, reduces anxiety, depression, and the symptoms of migraine headaches. It also is beneficial in decreasing the risk of artery and heart spasms as it works with lysine to reduce cholesterol levels. 

VALINE is important in promoting a sharp mind, coordinated muscles, and a calm mood.
Other Amino Acids Found In Moringa  
These non-essential amino acids, which can be manufactured by your body with the help of proper nutrition. 

ALANINE is important when it comes to building energy in your muscle tissue, brain, and central nervous system. It strengthens your immune system. Alanine also helps in the healthy metabolism of sugars and organic acids in your body.  

ARGININE has been shown in studies to cause the release of the growth hormones considered crucial for optimal muscle growth and tissue repair. It also improves immune responses to bacteria and viruses.  

ASPARTIC ACID helps rid your body of ammonia created by cellular waste. When the ammonia enters your circulatory system it can act as a highly toxic substance which can damage your central nervous system.  

CYSTINE functions as an antioxidant and is a powerful aid to the body in protecting against radiation and pollution. Deactivate free radicals, and neutralize toxins. It also aids in protein synthesis and presents cellular change. It is necessary for the formation of new skin cells, which aids in the recovery from burns and surgical operations.  

GLUTAMIC ACID is food for the brain. It improves mental capacities, helps speed the healing of ulcers, reduces fatigue, and curbs your sugar cravings.  

GLYCINE promotes the release of oxygen required in the cell-making process. It is also important in the manufacturing of hormones responsible for a strong immune system.  

HISTIDINE is useful to people with rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, ulcers, and anemia. A lack of histidine may lead to poor hearing.  

SERINE is important in storing glucose in the liver and muscles. It strengthen your body's immune system. Plus, it synthesizes fatty acid sheaths around nerve fibers. 

PROLINE is extremely important for the proper function of your joints and tendons. It also helps maintain and strengthen heart muscles.  

TYROSINE transmits nerve impulses to your brain. It improves memory; increases mental alertness; plus promotes the healthy functioning of the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands.

Macroelements in Moringa

Moringa leaves contain high amounts of calcium, 500 mg per 100 g of leaves, while the leaf powder can have about five times more calcium per 100 g.  Remember, calcium is consumed and excreted every day. Ideally and importantly, the consumed calcium should equal the amount of calcium excreted. Calcium is a vital mineral for numerous physiological processes, such as building and maintaining healthy bones and teeth, blood clotting and other various cellular functions.

Almost all the calcium in the human body is stored in the bones and teeth, and when calcium is needed in the blood, it is released (borrowed) from the bones. Bones are living tissues, constantly formed and remodeled. Not getting enough calcium, will result in a condition where bone destruction exceeds bone production specially after the age of 30.

Why should we get our calcium supplements from plant sources?
Dairy products are high in “bad” saturated fats that increase the risk of heart disease and other illnesses; many Asians, Hispanics, African Americans and especially children have lactose intolerance; galactose (a milk sugar) has been linked with a high incidence of ovarian problems.

Moringa leaves contain approximately 25 mg per 100 g of leaves, while the leaf powder can contain approximately 370 mg per the same weight. Magnesium is similar to calcium in several ways; 60% is found in the bones and teeth and the balance is found mostly in the muscles. Magnesium is the second most abundant positively charged element found within the cells. Magnesium is extremely vital to health as: it stimulates gastric motility and intestinal function.

What does Potassium do in the body? It is involved in nerve and brain functions, muscle control and blood pressure. Potassium lowers blood pressure, acting as an antagonist of sodium. It works with sodium to maintain the water balance, which is very important for good health. It assists in the regulation of the acid-base balance and water balance in the blood. It also assists in protein synthesis from amino acids and in carbohydrate metabolism.

Moringa contains phosphorus, an important mineral which serves as the main regulator of energy metabolism in cells. It also helps the body absorb glucose (a type of carbohydrate found in foods as well as in our blood), and transport fatty acids. Moringa contains about 100mg of phosphorus in 100 g of leaves, while the leaf powder contains twice as much.

Is one of the most important but neglected nutrients, maybe more important than magnesium, iron, sodium, iodine, and even many vitamins. Moringa offers a good quantity and quality of organic, absorbable sulfur, from 140 mg per 100 g of leaves and pods, to more than 800 mg in 100 g leaf powder, making it an excellent source of sulfur for everyone.

Sulfur is a constituent of the essential amino acids methionine and cysteine, vitamin B1 and biotin (another type of vitamin B), the powerful antioxidant glutathione and the anticoagulant heparin. Sulfur is found in hormones in insulin.

Is composed of the three amino acids cysteine (containing sulfur), glycine and glutamic acid (two non-essential amino acids). Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants made by the human body. More than 90% of the non-protein-bound sulfur in the cells is found as glutathione.

Microelements in Moringa

Moringa has more iron than spinach. 100 g of leaves or pods, or 25 g (less than an ounce) of leaf powder could provide all the daily iron needs of an adult, about 10-20 mg. Iron is one of those finicky (difficult to please) nutrients that like good company in order to be absorbed and stay in your body.

While many foods contain iron, it is not easily absorbed unless certain nutrients such as vitamin C and others are present.

Moringa leaves, pods and seeds contain zinc in amounts similar to those found in beans, while leaf powder has twice as much zinc per the same weight.

Copper plays a role in the synthesis and maintenance of myelin, as substance which insulates nerve cells to ensure proper transmission of nerve impulses, and as a co-factor for processes that neutralize the dangerous free radicals that would otherwise destroy our cells. We would not be able to produce energy without the help of copper and co-helper enzymes. Healthy muscles, including the heart, could not work without copper. Proper skin appearance and properties and bone formation also require copper. One hundred grams of Moringa leaves provide enough copper for the daily allowance in an adult (about 1 mg).

Manganese is mostly concentrated in the bones, liver, pancreas and brain. It is a component of several enzymes such as manganese-superoxide dismutase, which prevents tissue damage due to oxidation. Manganese also activates numerous enzymes involved in the digestion and utilization of foods, breakdown of unwanted substances in our body. The estimated adequate dietary intake for manganese is 2-5 mg for adults. Moringa has 5 mg per 100 g leaves or 50 g leaf powder, and thus qualifies as an outstanding source of manganese.

Selenium is an essential trace element with powerful antioxidant properties. Selenium also preserves tissue elasticity. Moringa contains about 8-10 mcg per 100g leaf powder.